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Expressing Congratulations, Agreement

- Jumat, 03 September 2021 | 07:00 WIB
Expressing Congratulations, Agreement
Chapter I: Congratulations!
In this Chapter, I will learn: to express hopes and wishes to others and congratulate others for their fortune and achievement, in order to keep good personal relationship with them.
We use the word ‘Congratulations’ ((v) selamat) to congratulate someone.
Ex. :     The winner of the story-telling competition in this class is Lina. Congratulations Lina!
We can also use the word ‘hope’ ((v) harap) or ‘good luck’ (semoga beruntung) to congratulate someone with the hope they will do better next time.
Ex. :     Prepare your best for the competition. I hope you will win the first prize, too.
            Congratulations on winning the competition, I hope you will win again next time. Good luck.
Note : Perbedaan Congratulations dan Compliment

Penggunaan Congratulation

Berarti kata yang mengekspresikan pujian atas pencapaian, ucapan selamat atau harapan dan doa atas terjadinya sesuatu yang membahagiakan. Kata ini digunakan untuk menyampaikan rasa ikut senang atas pencapaian seseorang atau suatu kejadian tertentu.

Dalam bahasa indonesia, congratulation diterjemahkan sebagai ucapan “Selamat!”. Kita bisa menggunakan Congratulation untuk memberi selamat dalam rangka apa saja, misalnya kelulusan, kemenangan, kelahiran, pernikahan dll. Kata ini termasuk contoh regular verb, yang berarti bentuk lampaunya hanya ditambahkan -ed (congratulated).

Berikut adalah contoh penggunaan kata congratulation dalam berbagai kejadian:

  • Congratulation on your wedding day (Selamat atas hari pernikahanmu)
  • Congratulation for the baby (Selamat atas kelahiran bayimu)
  • Congratulation on your graduation (Selamat atas kelulusanmu)
  • Congratulation, you are the winner of this game (Selamat, kamu pemenang di game ini)
  • Congratulation for your achievement (Selamat atas pencapaianmu)

Penggunaan Compliment

Berarti wujud ekspresi yang santun dalam memuji dan mengungkapkan kekaguman.Kata ini masuk dalam jenis kata kerja (verb) yang berarti bisa merupakan suatu tindakan. Dalam bahasa indonesia, compliment berarti pujian. Jika seseorang memberikan pujian kepada orang lain, berarti dia meng-compliment orang tersebut. Orang biasanya memberikan compliment kepada orang lain dengan menyebut kata sifat yang bermakna positif dilihat dari kemampuannya, kecantikan/ketampanannya, karyanya, dll.

Di bawah ini adalah contoh kalimat yang termasuk dalam tindakan compliment / memuji:

  • Your gown is very beautiful (Gaunmu sangatlah cantik)
  • He has a really charming smile (Dia memiliki senyuman yang menawan)
  • They work with a genuine heart (Mereka bekerja dengan hati yang tulus)
  • Her computing skill is highly proffesional (Kemampuannya mengoperasikan komputer sangatlah profesional)
  • Your house is very tidy and comfortable (Rumahmu sangalah rapi dan nyaman) 


Secara singkat, perbedaan congratulation dan compliment terletak pada makna dan fungsinya dalam kalimat. Congratulation merupakan ucapan selamat, sedangkan compliment merupakan kata kerja yang berarti memuji atau memberikan pujian. Kedua kata ini dapat dimasukkan pada present tenses manapun.

Setelah mengetahui perbedaan congratulation dan compliment, bisakah anda menjawab pertanyaan di awal tadi? Ya, kalimat diawal artikel ini memuat bentuk congratulation dan compliment secara bersamaan, yaitu dengan memberi selamat atas pencapaian seseorang sekaligus memuji keahliannya dalam mendapatkan pencapaian tersebut.

Chapter II: Let’s Start Our Wall Magazine!
In this Chapter, I will learn:     - to state rules
                                                - to give suggestions to do and not to do something
                                                - to invite someone to do and not to do something
                                                - to say to agree or disagree with rules, suggestions, and invitations
                                                - to keep good interpersonal relationship
Agreement and Disagreement and Suggestions
Expressing Agreement:
I agree
-          I agree with you
-          You are right
-          That’s right
-          That’s good
-          It’s true
-          Absolutely
-          Definitely
-          No doubt about it
-          That’s exactly just what I was thinking
-          I feel the same way
-          My feeling exactly
-          You took the words right out of my mind
-          I suppose you are right
-          That may be true
-          You may be right
-          You have a point there
-          I see your point
-          I’m afraid you are right
-          I’m afraid I have to agree
-          I hate to admit it, but it’s true
-          I hate to say it, but you are right
Expressing Disagreement:
-          I disagree
-          I don’t agree
-          I can’t agree
-          I don’t think so
-          I’m not sure about that
-          I’m not sure if I agree with you about that
-          I wouldn’t say that
-          I wouldn’t go as far as that
-          I wish I could agree with you, but …
-          I hate to disagree with you, but …
-          I don’t want to argue with you, but …
-          I don’t want to get into an argument with you about it, but …
Expressing Suggestions:
-          May I suggest … ?
-          You may/might like to …?
-          Have you considered/thought of …?
-          Would you care to … ?
-          Why don’t we/you … ?
-          Why not … ?
-          How about … ?
-          What about … ?
-          Let’s/Let me …
-          Shall we … ?
-          I’ll tell you what. We’ll …
-          I suppose that …
-          I’d like to suggest that …
-          I have an idea.
Chapter III: What Should I Do That For?
In this Chapter, I will learn:     - to tell or ask others to do and not to do something
                                                - to state the purpose or intention to do it
We use the word ‘to’, ‘in order to’, and ‘so that’ (untuk/agar) to tell the purpose or intention to do it.
Ex. :     You have to take some rest in order to get well soon.
            You need to drink a lot of water so that you will not get dehydrated.
We use the word ‘should’ (sebaiknya) to ask or respond people’s question.
Ex. :     What should I do that for ?
            You should get some sleep.
Should             = Sebaiknya
Can                  = Bisa/boleh
Can not (Can’t)= Tidak bisa/boleh
Have to            = Harus
Must                 = Harus
Don’t have to   = Tidak harus
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